This LibGuide focuses on the meaning of human rights, the universal declaration of human rights, international human rights instruments and their monitoring bodies. Research and content developed by Oshole Imhoagene; Libguide developed by Grace Simons
This database provides access to country-specific human rights recommendations and information emanating from international human rights mechanisms in the UN system: The Treaty Bodies, the Special Procedures and the Universal Periodic Review.
This database consists of documents and information pertaining to UN Charter-based human rights bodies, including the Human Rights Council and its predecessor, the Commission on Human Rights.
This database provides information on National Human Rights Institutions and the International Coordinating Committee for National Human Rights Institutions.
This database contains translations of the universal declaration of human rights in various languages and dialects.
Welcome! In this guide you will find several links and resources on human rights and various issues associated with human rights and human trafficking in West Africa.
Rights that are inherent to all human being, regardless of gender, nationality, sex, ethnicity, religion, color or other categorization. This link gives a detailed explanation on the meaning and characteristics of human rights.
Treaties and international documents which are relevant to international human rights law and the protection of human rights. Each of the UNs core human rights instrument has a corresponding mechanism known as a treaty body which is responsible for implementing and monitoring the compliance of state parties with their obligations under the treaty. This link takes you to the 9-core international human rights instruments and their monitoring bodies.
In addition to The Core International Human Rights Treaties, there are many other universal instruments relating to human rights. Click on the link above to view these instruments.
The universal declaration of human rights is an international document that states the basic rights and fundamental freedom to which all human beings are entitled to. The universal declaration of human rights was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly at its third session on 10th December 1948 as Resolution 217. This link takes you to the 30 articles of the universal declaration of human rights.