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LIS 530 GLE: Legal Resources: Week 6: Private and Public Law Library Sources/Services

Adapted from the LibGuide for LAW 627, the 1L course in legal research, this guide is intended for students enrolled in LIS 530 GLE, Legal Resources. It has been edited for course length as well as scope/audience.


Before class, you should:

  • read the short pieces in the "Readings" box below

A typical first-year required legal research class focuses on proficiency with the sources of the law from the three branches of government: cases, statutes, and regulations. But an attorney in practice has much of the blackletter law available easily through their Westlaw or Lexis subscription. What they will rely on librarians for are things that are not so readily available or familiar to them, such as practice treatises and rules.

General Resources

Resources for Private Law Libraries

Resources for Public Law Libraries

Objectives / Self-Test