This LibGuide is intended to assist with general knowledge and academic research into United States constitutional law. Some of the primary topics covered within this LibGuide are:
(1) The Current Supreme Court;
(2) Federal Separation of Powers;
(3) Federalism and the Relationship Between State & Federal Governments;
(4) Judicial Review;
(3) Individual Rights (Due Process, Equal Protection, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom from State Action); and
(4) The Reconstruction-Era Amendments (XIII, XIV, XV).
Sources used for this LibGuide
In addition to the items found within the "Resources" tab, the following sources were prominently used in the creation of this LibGuide and are highly recommended for studying this type of material:
- Barron, Jerome A., and C. Thomas Dienes. Constitutional Law in a Nutshell. Tenth edition. St. Paul, MN: West Academic Publishing, 2020. Print.
- Oyez - https://www.oyez.org
- Justia U.S. Supreme Court - https://supreme.justia.com
- The Cornell Law School Legal Information Institute (LII) - https://www.law.cornell.edu