Law Reviews, also called Law Journals (Harvard Law Review; Yale Law Journal; University of Illinois Law Review) are scholarly periodicals edited by law students.
Articles are typically written by tenured and tenure-track law school professors. The articles are often theoretical and often propose reforms.
Notes and Comments are written by law review students. A Note, or Case Note, analyzes a single case, where a Comment addresses a narrow legal topic. Originally Notes and Comments were published anonymously.
Symposium Issues collect articles on a single topic, and may or may not correspond to a conference held at that law school.
Law review articles are often heavily footnoted. Here is an example:
Law Review / Law Journal articles are written to be complete and up to date at the time of writing, and so have no formal updating.
Look up the citation to your article in a citator (Shepard's, KeyCite, BCITE) to find out if it has been cited by a later publication.
Confusingly, bar associations also publish journals. But you should be able to tell the difference as the title will also contain the word BAR or LAWYER.
Bar Journal articles are aimed at practitioners and and cover practical topics.
Here is an example:
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