Intersectionality refers to the interactions among the various systems of inequality operating on aspects of a person's identity. Systemic inequality occurs on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, class as well as other characteristics. These characteristics can interact to create new dynamics of oppression. For example, the experience of a Black woman intersects with but is not the same as the experience of white women or Black men.
Similarly oppression in one sphere can often reinforce oppression in another sphere. If people of color experience discrimination in education then that discrimination reinforces itself in business opportunities. With fewer business opportunities and access to capital a person's influence on politics and the civil justice system will be less than the more affluent. Recognizing the compounding effects of discrimination based on multiple identities is an important part of intersectionality.
Exploring topics of racial justice involves examining the structure and impact of political, legal and cultural institutions on racial equality. Any institution can be examined through this lens. In this guide, we will provide general resources on racial justice in the United States and explore in greater detail the structure and impact on racial justice on the following:
Voting Rights
Policing and The Carceral State
Civil Law
The Legal Profession
Immigration Law
Business and Entrepreneurship
For each of these topics this guide will provide a brief overview and links to more in-depth resources.