Top right-hand side of the Westlaw Next window:

- Use "folders" to access your saved results and documents
- Use "history" to view past research trails
- Use "Alerts" to save searches or KeyCite reports, and have them run automatically
At the very bottom of the Westlaw Next window, you'll find your preferences and help options.:

The Westlaw Next search window invites you to enter anything in the search bar:

- Select your sources from the drop-down (which will default to your last search)
- Drop-down options default to caselaw; to choose statutes or regulations or secondary sources, use the Browse box below.

- After choosing one of these options, a new search bar will appear at the top of the page.
- For instance, select "Statutes and Court Rules" from the browse box, then search for "cover page" in the top bar. Your search will be limited to court rules and statutes. Apply filters if desired.