Encyclopedias & Guides
Companion to the European Union This accessible introduction to the EU covers the history of the organization and the single market, as well as recent developments from the introduction of a single currency to the accession of new member States. Social Sciences, Health & Education Library. Call No. 341.2422 B575c.
European Union Encyclopedia and Directory Updated annually, this reference work includes a concise history and chronology of the EU and its predecessor organizations, a glossary of key terms, and an up to date listings of EU officials. International & Area Studies Library. Call No. Q. 337.142 Eu74942011.
Encyclopedia of the European Union Organized alphabetically by subject, this single volume encyclopedia includes articles on institutions, treaties, legislation, policies, and individuals who have shaped the development of the EU. Appendices include overviews of institutional changes. Online resource accessible with UIUC Net ID.
Guide to European Union Law This guide provides a comprehensive survey of the EU, its institutions, and its substantive law, with extensive footnotes and a references to other sources for pursuing further research. Law Library. Call No. KJE948 .M38 2004.
The European Union Law Guide is an eight-volume loose-leaf treatise which includes the full text of the EU's foundational treaties in their present form, as well as in-depth coverage of EU legislation (regulations, directives, and decisions) currently in force and explanatory commentary. Law Library. Call No. KJE949 .R39.
Another helpful loose-leaf treatise is the four-volume Smit & Herzog on the Law of the European Union, which focuses on the nature and scope of EU law, covering both legislation and case law. Law Library. Call No. KJE947 .S642.
The Law Library provides access a to variety of specialized tools and subscription databases for locating journal articles about European Union law.
Specialized Online Search Tools The following resources are accessible to anyone with a UIUC Net ID.
LegalTrac provides access to more than 1.6 million articles published in over 1400 major law reviews and international law journals from 1980 to the present. Full text coverage does not extend to all titles.
HeinOnline's Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals indexes articles from more than 500 law journals published outside the United States. To optimize search results, use the IFLP's list of subject headings in English, French, German, and Spanish.
Listed below are journals and periodicals in the Law Library's collection that focus exclusively or primarily on European Union law.
Columbia Journal of European Law (1994 - present). This online journal, published triennially, covers all aspects of European (mainly EU) law. Accessible online with UIUC Net ID.
Common Market Law Review (1963 - present). A bi-monthly journal that covers a wide range of EU legal topics. Call No. KJE903 .C65. Also accessible online with UIUC Net ID.
European Business Law Review (1990 - 2008). This bi-monthly journal focuses on European (mainly EU) commercial law. Call No. K5 .U76.
European Business Organization Law Review (2000 - present). This online journal, published quarterly, addresses the legal aspects of business organization within the EU and elsewhere in Europe. Accessible with UIUC Net ID.
European Competition Law Review (1980 - present). A monthly journal devoted exclusively to EU antitrust law. Call No. KJC6456.A5 E97.
European Law Journal (1995 - present). This bi-monthly journal offers broad coverage of European (mainly EU) legal issues. Call No. K5 .U728. Also accessible online with UIUC Net ID.
European Law Review (1975 - present). A bi-monthly journal covering various aspects of European (mainly EU) law. Call No. KJE903 .E976.
Review of European Community & International Environmental Law (1997 - present). An online journal focusing on environmental law in the EU and elsewhere. Accessible with UIUC Net ID.
Yearbook of European Law (1982 - present). An annual survey of legal developments in the EU, along with in-depth articles and book reviews. Call No. KJE903 .Y4.