Case Law Decisions of the European Court of Justice, the General Court, and the Civil Service Tribunal are freely available online from Curia, the official website of the Court of Justice of the European Union. It is also possible to retrieve court decisions from EUR-Lex, the EU's online legal database, if you know the case number and the date of the decision.
Legislation Regulations, directives, decisions, and other legal acts are published in the "L" series of the EU's Official Journal, which can be accessed freely online. EUR-Lex maintains a compilation of EU legislation currently in force.
Current Publications The EU Publications Office compiles an annual catalog of key publications. English language versions of almost all current EU publications can be downloaded in PDF format without charge from the EU Bookshop. In addition, the EU's Europa website provides a convenient links page for accessing official publications and documents.
Past and Present Publications The Central Library of the European Commission maintains a comprehensive collection of past and present EU publications, as well as an extensive collection of publications from other international governmental organizations, such as the UN, the OECD, and the World Bank. All of the Library's holdings from 1978 to the present are included in its ECLAS online catalog.
Internal Documents of EU Institutions The EU's major institutions provide online access to many of their of their internal working documents. Europa, the EU's official website, maintains a listing of publicly accessible working documents by institution. Listed below are some working documents that may be of particular interest:
Archival Materials and Working Papers
Eurostat is the EU's statistical processing arm. It consolidates data collected by the Member States and ensures that they are comparable, using a harmonized methodology. It then aggregates and publishes the data, enabling users to make comparisons across national boundaries with respect to a wide variety economic, demographic, developmental, and social factors. Users can search Eurostat for data by collection, theme, and date range.
The Eurostat website includes a helpful explanatory guide to EU statistics, a thematic glossary of statistical terms, and a calendar showing upcoming release dates for specific types of data. It also provides convenient links to the national statistical offices of the Member States.
Country Profiles is an interactive feature that allows users to select thematic data sets and view them in a variety of formats (table, graph or map). The data sets can be downloaded or printed.
Notable Eurostat Publications
CELEX is a classification system for EU documents similar to the SuDocs system used by the federal government in the U.S. Searching by CELEX number is the fastest way to retrieve a document in Eur-Lex. Eur-Lex provides list of FAQs about CELEX numbers and a PDF guide describing their key components.
The European Union has 23 official languages. The EU's Official Journal is published in all 23 languages, as are other documents of general application. Most EU institutions conduct their internal operations in a smaller number of procedural languages, usually English, French, and German.
Questions of translation arise frequently in both the drafting and interpretation of EU law. The Law Library has a number of resources that address this issue. Search the UIUC catalog for additional resources.